Thursday, June 16, 2016

Summer Reading List

 Since I was a little girl, summer reading was a part of my life. My local library always had a summer reading program. You would keep track of the number of hours that you read and at given benchmarks earn a prize. Most summers, I read beyond that of the grand prize, I just did not keep track of my hours that well.

With the progression of technology, reading has become harder to find time for. More often then not, I find myself sitting down to read a book and winding up on Facebook or Twitter instead.

The problem is, I have a lot of books that I want to read. That's why I have committed myself to a summer reading list this year. Of course with some of my busy activities, I may not complete the entire list, but it sounds like a good idea, doesn't it?

Image result for the night circusThe first book on my reading list was started towards the end of the school year. That was The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. I have written and posted a review on here if you are interested in learning more about it. Basically, it is the story of two magicians who are bound into a competition against each other. It is an enchanting story that I would recommend even if you do not particularly read fantasy. I am not a huge fan of fantasy myself, but I enjoyed it.

The next book I will be reading is The Shack by WM, Paul Young. I do not know very much about this book. I am reading this as a deal with my mother. She has to read one of my favorite books and in exchange I am reading The Shack. (She is reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.) This book is faith based.

Another faith based book I will be reading is Searching for God Knows What by Donald Miller. This book was a graduation present from my youth minister and I was told that it is absolutely amazing. So if you are interested in faith based reading, this is a nonfiction faith based book that is supposed to be great. (I will be reviewing all my summer reads.)

Image result for the orphan train bookNext, my plan is to read The Orphan Train by Christina Baker Cline. This is the libraries book of the year. My school's librarian told me that I had to read this book and when I found it at the thrift store for $0.70 I got it. All I know about this book is that it covers a dark part of American history. I am a huge fan of history so I should really enjoy it.

After that, I have to buy Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. I am so excited to read this book! If you don't know what it is about... sigh. There is a very successful man in the story who becomes paralyzed and the girl has to take care of him. That's all I'm going to say but I have heard it's a real tear jerker.

If I buy more young adult reads that I am interested in, I will add them to my list. I am debating on buying a couple of different books other than Me Before You. But there is one last book that is going to be the last book I read this summer for sure. And it will probably carry into my first semester of college.

11/22/63 by Stephen King is one hunk of literature. At a whooping 849 pages, it will take a large chunk of time to read. The premise of this book is stopping the assassination of John F Kennedy. This book was also recommended to me. I am certain that I will finish this monster of Stephen King writing!

If you have any other suggestions of what I should be reading this summer, please comment below!

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