Saturday, February 22, 2014

Wet Seal's Season

I know that I mentioned the new selection for Wet Seal and I really think that I did not give their decesions for the season the recognition that they deserve. While sitting in class today I decided that I will indeed be making a few purchases from them for spring. The nice thing is that the tops I am looking at easily translate into the summer season. I hate when something is only apropiate for one time period.

First of all, I am really excited to have tank top backs because next will be shorts and tanning. But I have to say that I do not like when people wear all knit, stretchy tops. I think that summer is a great oppurtunity to wear some really cute clothes. That is why I love the black top. I really cannot give up black for a whole season as it is one of the prodominate colors in my closet. I like the ease of wearing black as it is simple and has the potential to portray any attitude. This top is a little softer than, say, the amazing black leather jacket. I love the lace around the neck and the shape it is cut out in. As for the middle top, the print sells it. The cut of the top is very appropiat which is a huge plus. I love the string hanging down on the side to keep it from being too basic. The white top is just a huge fan of mine. I love that style. The little bit of print is not too intense but adds a little something. Also, the sleeves are so comfortable. I had two tops like that that I use to wear all the time. They flowed and were so comfotable. This one would be even better since it is not a crop top.


So I have a really big obseesion with long earrings. I own so many stud sets and rarely wear them because I feel that drops are so much prettier. The beaded pair is a change from silver or good which I often catch myself gravitating towards. They would match a wide variety of looks like metal does but I've a boho touch. But, again, I gravitate towerds metal which makes the heart eatting great to. They have the dangle I love and the hearts are cute. The middle is a set of headbands. There is lace, floral,and a nice brown. I normally shy away from brown with my hair color but I think pairing it with the lace would look super cute.
Alright guys, I am going to be looking at a lot of dresses and cute stuff in the next few weeks so you have got to follow @velvetgiggles to see it. I cannot post everything on the blog. I am considering starting another social media too. I am leaning towards tumblr but I know instagram is super popular. If you have a preference comment below and the dominate will probably win.

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