Friday, July 18, 2014

App Review: Wanelo

Wanelo: Want, Need, Love

I know my last two posts have been very deep and insightful and as much as I have enjoyed writing them, I did state in my revamp post that I was still going to talk about products and fashion and all of that jazz. I think one of my favorite things right now is Wanelo. If you don't have this app, I suggest it and here is why:

I find Wanelo through a related post on Pintrest and thought, "what the heck is that?" So I downloaded the app and this cute little icon came up on my tablet

You go through the process of making an account which pretty much consist of your basic information and email. Everything is completely free (my kind of app!). Then, you are asked to follow stores. Here is a list of some stores that I am following if you need any ideas:

  • Forever 21
  • Rue 21
  • Cotton On
  • Reason Clothing
  • Skreened
After that, you will have a feed from these stores showing their products. It's nice because it will show a picture, the price, the store, and if you select the picture, it will take you directly to the product on it's website for purchase through an in-app browser.

I really like this app over Pintrest because of the clear price. It's hard for me when I am on Pintrest to find an amazing shirt and then find out that it costs $100. I don't have that kind of money!

The only two complaints that I have for this app is that I can't reorganize my boards. I have 600+ products on my board and now that I actually have money and I am trying to go back and buy this stuff it is really hard to find it. My other complaint I finding things that are no longer available. I understand that the people who run the app probably cannot control this but it gets really annoying.

Anyways, I would really recommend this app to anyone who times to sit on their couch and look at clothes, jewelry, shoes, or nick knacks online. This app has literally EVERYTHING that you can think of.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Who's and What's of Your Make Up Routine

It's come to my attention just how much time I ap end throughout the week putting on make up. I'm not saying that it's a bad thing as I enjoy the process. I like being able to try new looks, experiment with new color schemes, and spend the time on myself (as selfish as that may sound.) But there is something important to remember when putting on your make up; the who and why..
Who are you wearing for?
Make up can be used for a lot of different reasons. We use it to cover up dark circles, acne, unsightly blemishes, redness, uneven tone, and to impress others. Yet the real person that we should be warning it for is ourselves. There are plenty of people who will see you on the street and I am sorry to say, they are just not going to notice that wing eyeliner you spent 20 minutes perfecting. It's the plain truth. It can be perfect and awardable but people aren't looking for the fine details in life.
And I want to put it out there now girls, guys are blind to our efforts. I have a story for this. So two christmases ago I spent a whole hour PERFECTING my Christmas Eve look. My hair was perfectly straight, as in no curve at all anywhere. I spend a solid half an hour on my make up making sure it was from a magazine. I looked straight off the page. I felt like a model and thought that everyone was going to notice because I looked like those girls. And by everyone, only my boyfriend at the time mattered. It was long distance and he said "nice." Nice? Nice! After laboring over myself for all of that time all he had to say was nice.
This is why you should do your make up for yourself. Not for your friends, and especially not for any guy. If you are impressed with how you look, then you are going to truly feel complimented. It first feel nice for people to say you look good but relying on people to compliment your make up is bound to leave you disappointed. You should wear the make up that you feel the prettiest in. If you feel pretty with the make up you have on, you have achieved the purpose of wearing it.
The who of you wear make up for should always be you.
But the why is a little trickier.
I already said that there are things to cover up, but why else do we wear it. To personify. We feel that the amount of bronzer, blush, and liner, we apply is what will make people see us as the person we want to be. If you are an avid reader of Seventeen, like myself, they list out different make up looks to show off different personalities. They have fun, girly, sweet, strong, etc. What does your make up have to do with who you are? Why is it that the make up we wear is the indicator of the personality we have? It doesn't.
I think that we should all ask ourselves why we are putting on our make up each morning before we do it. It's important that we are in check we our reasoning behind everything, especially the outward actions we partake in. For me, the why is that I like having darker lashes, redder cheeks, and darker eye lids (plus the occasional red lip.) The reason is not to impress anyone. I could honestly care less what anyone else thinks of how my make up looks. I wear it because I think it makes me look good. And on days when I don't wear it, I still feel like a million dollars. I guess I'm lucky that I can go through a day without wearing any make up when i have friends that can't.
Even though the why of wearing make up for me is to feel pretty, I want to make sure that everyone understands wearing make up should not be the deciding factor on whether or not you feel beautiful. Everyone feels beautiful in a different way. I want to encourage everyone to look the way that makes them feel their very best. Nobody can tell you what that is. Finding your personal style is a journey that you most commit to. It takes time and courage but I can promise you that it is worth it. No magazine, blog, Youtuber, or friend will ever be able to tell you what makes you feel your absolute prettiest but you.
I hope that you can take the time to ask the who's and why's to your make up routine. At the end of the day, your make up arsenal is there for you and not to impress the rest of the world. Have fun with exploring all of the different style options there are and enjoy yourself because make up is suppose to be fun!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Girls and their Standards

   I remember when we were all 6 year olds and we were realizing that we weren't going to marry Cinderella's Prince Charming and we would have to actually set standards for ourselves. And as we grow and mature they change from physical to inward and we develop this list. And this list is wholesome and strong before we have our first relationship because we have total faith in guys. We have faith in finding a guy who will text us a good morning paragraph and take us on picnics. Then, we get into the real world and realize the truth.
   The truth is we are too impressionable. I remember my first list of standards and the notebook it would have taken to write out. And I remember my first boyfriend and how that one guy changed all my standards for the worse.
   Let's just say that it is true that eventually we will all find a guy to treat us like the Princesses that we are. And don't start with the "my past doesn't make me worthy" because I will beg to differ. You see, especially as teenagers, we are at a place where the males our age aren't thinking about the same kind of relationship that we are and this leads to a huge conflict. We become passive because we are all told that being single stinks. Especially with media shoving the relationships being a necessity down our throats. We give up our day dreams and sink below level ground with the male species to make sure that we get what we see on ABC Family (because if you're not following one of their shows, who are you?)
   Anyway, we don't have patience and we let go of these high hopes and we settle for the very minimum of what guy will give us. I'm guilty of it and so many people around me are too that do not even see it, They can't. We use excuses to blind ourselves and hide the fact that we are selling ourselves short of what we are worth. I think the saddest part is that sometimes, you can do this consciously and not end the relationship.
I was disappointed from day one. I didn't like how I was being treated or the answers I was being given to the questions I asked. From the very first day the interaction between us was unsatisfying to my needs for intellect and conversation. Yet I stayed for longer than I should yet luckily not long enough to do any harm.
   But what is it that makes girl so desperate to find romance that we will give up everything that we are searching for? I can't tell you the right answer. Or the scientific truth. But I can tell you that being desperate for love doesn't make you look good. That crawling to a guy just to keep "In a relationship" on a profile is never going to get you the relationship that you really want. Because it's at these moments when you're standards have dissolved to nearly nothing.
   What happened to the standards that we use to have before our hearts were broken? The long lists of things that our boyfriend MUST do our we would certainly dump him. Where did they go? Since when was it okay to let in all of these excuses. When did we start crossing things of like controlling and sex before marriage. Sure, culture is that way but why do we have to be. Or this whole thing how guys can pick what we do with our lives. For goodness sakes we're teens!
   I wish we could go back to when our visions of how teenage boys weren't so tainted and then maybe we could hold up the high standards that we use to have. But instead, I guess we are left with a fight on our hands. Instead of easily saying what we want and saying goodbye the moment that we don't get it, we settle and it's wrong. We are all special and we deserve the very best. And maybe we can't find the very best right now and we need to recognize that it's okay.
   So instead of settling for the things that are not too much to ask for, why don't we bring back our standards that were high and had expectations? Why don't we start looking for guys who will leave us alone for girls night, keep date night at the top of their schedule, watch The Notebook, meet our parents, hold our hands in public, make "us" public, and go on walks. Why don't we ask for the little things beyond texting and a date every now and then. We can make these standards, keep these standards, and not settle for anything less.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Change of Plans

So I know that I haven't been blogging in a while and honestly, I realized last night that I really missed it. I guess the reason that I stopped is that I had ran out of ideas and felt that it was really hard to find so many topics just about clothes and beauty. Frankly, I have a lot more to say than that and I think that ditching Velvet Laughter for a 5th blog (because I am a ship jumper) would be a little bit ridicolous.)
So instead of jumping off and starting over I am going to be expanding Velvet Laughter to cover a lot more topics then just fashion. I hope to have my first post up within the next 24 hours to make this move get moving. I really am excited to expand my range if topics and hope that you guys have a great time reading it.

Monday, May 19, 2014

No More Straightner

Teachers are finally giving us the "rest of the year" speeches and I could not be any more excited. It's time for summer. Or summertime. I guess it works both ways.
I have a super busy summer approaching as I am vacationing/church camping/sweet 16 partying/excersing my pool pass. On top of all of that, I am working to have my first novel ready for editting before I return to school. Yeah, I don't rest too much.
But I have been wanting to post about a big change in my life beauty wise. Since January 1st, I have only used heat to style my hair ONCE.
Before this year I was an avid straightner user. I straightened my hair nearly everyday but wanted it longer. I never understood why it wouldn't grow any faster. As it turns out, these bloggers are right. Not using heat has improved the health of my hair dramatically.
The hardest part of this transistion was becoming adapted to the awkward wacves in my hair. I had never liked the flair of the ends on the right side of my head, nor the way the left turnee under. As it turns out, I actually love my hair. Having it naturally dry and then brush (wet hair is more susceptable to breakage) has done wonders. It is growing much faster now and looks a million times better.
I definately reccomend kissing heat products goodbye for the majority of the time. I will be using a curling iron for my party and homecoming but I hope not to more than that. It feels great to be able to do 3 minutes of work and have someone compliment my hair.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Been Awhile / Dove and O.P.I.

I have been meaning to get back to blogging but I've had a stressful/busy/illish month (almost) and have just been putting it off. It's crazy since i have been spending so much time looking at clothes so it doesn't make sense not to blog. I'm sorry to any reader who was just like "did she die?"
While I didn't die. I am actually very much alive. I am kicking butt writing thousands of words a day (2,500 a day) for an awesome thing ran by NaNoWriMo. I have been sleeping a lot and doing insane aljebra homework. And dealing with a personal issue in my family. So it's been insane and I have been trying to fit everything in. (I don't know any time management skills.)
Anyways I promise I am going to work blogging back into the schedule as much as I possibly can which will be a lot easier after April. But I do want to start off my great return with a nail polish review.
So my amazing mother has been entering contests lately and entered the Dove and O.P.I. nail polish and chocolate bar give away and WON. This is what it looks like:

I wasn't impressed by the packaging and the colors were really intimidating because I had never considered brown nails. I tried the color on the left called "Better After Dark." It looks like milk chocolate. This was my first experience with O.P.I. polish and I can see why it costs what it does. I am very impressed with the color and thickness. Two coats worked perfectly and it was a breeze to apply. The color to the right is "Promises in the Dark" and is a much darker brown. I was very happy with both shades. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Awesome Foods

I know that I have been really off with posts lately. But I have been wanting to post about some of my favorite snack foods (and junk) because after all, food is majority important.
My family is working on grumbling healthier so we have been trying Special K and FiberOne snack foods. It's actually a lot better than I expected. I really recommend everything I'm about to show because they all taste great.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Rue 21 Flip Flops

I love sandals. Okay, I am borderline addiction which is horrible since I live somewhere where you have 4 months of sandal weather if your lucky. Yes, that means I change multiple pairs a day. And every year you seem to end up getting more.
We all know about the $1 flip flop sale at Old Navy. But there are some more options that don't involve waiting in line hoping that you can still get the color that you want.
So here are some options under $20:

Monday, March 10, 2014

Marilyn Monroe Merchandise

Between Icing and every single accessory store in my local mall I have seen a ton of Marilyn Monroe stuff everywhere. I wanted to find the best of the best for everyone. So, here we go!
These two t-shirts are both from rue 21 and are $19.99 each. I love the first one especially because of the hard core feel. Marilyn is one of the most attractive women in history and it is nice to see her punked out. And the second has a nice attitude as it is a lot softer in comparison. It also has that pop of red that is just too perfect.
This is a $30.00 blanket from Icing. Now, it is a little awkward cover up with a picture of some ones face. At least I thought so when I got my Taylor Swift blanket and instead of using it as an actually blanket for warmth. So my amazing mother took mine and made it an awesome wall covering. 
Also at Icing you can find a ton of wall hangings featuring quotes by Marilyn and more for under $12.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Colour me Good

It's March! We have now embarked on the third month of 2014. Let's just say that life is really hectic right now. So finding time to pour into this blog is honestly difficult for me right now. And it is about to be worse. Why you might ask. It's a pesky little thing called growing up and it's sadly mandatory.
Recently, I have found myself reminiscing over when I was little and there was never 3 hours of homework to do. When money didn't bug me and I could wake up and be ready in 20 minutes. Sadly, that's not the way things are anymore. But I might be able to get one thing back.
Who liked to color?
I loved it. I would color in the car, on the sidewalk, in bed. Everywhere. But I don't care about princesses and ponies anymore. What if you could color Ryan Goseling?
Colour me Good is a collection of adult color books and I want one. Of course my personal choose is a horror film collection. But that's just me. Take your pick!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


My favorite season of the year is summer. This summer in particular I have a lot to look forward to. Between vacationing, my Sweet 16, and attending Church Camp, I have a lot going on. But I like it that way.
While all of those things are pertaining to my life and maybe not yours, I know one thing that will. Swimming. If you don't spend your summer by a pool you're just crazy. It's one of the best things in the world. I for one am lucky enough to have the public pool less than 10 minutes away from my house. So, we go a lot. Whether as a family or with friends, I somehow always end up chilling at the pool.
But there are some must haves that you can start looking at now. Flip flops, because you can never have enough, and swimwear. It seems to me that shopping early has it's benifeits. Less people do so there is more variety, and you have preseason sales. Plus, you never want to get a call Memorial Day weekend to go swim only to find out that last years swimwear isn't going to work this time around.
So, of course, we have the abundant options for bikinis. Personally, I don't like many of the bikini styles because they are made for a certain body type and they often reveal more than I would like. Which means every year I have to hunt down something that isn't so revealing. For those of you who are in the same boat, have no fear. I'm hunting early.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Another spring trend is crochet. I have had no problem finding a plethora of options for this trend. From tops to accessories, you can go all out. I love the trend because it is slightly simpler than classic lace. It has a more bohemian feel that is a very casual way to go.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Knee Socks

One of my favorite things in the world are socks. Whether they are matching who not, they make feet fun. But lately, socks have come up from the ankle. For the up and coming spring season, I can see socks sticking around. And not just any kind of socks. Knee socks. They are everywhere! They also have a high price tagg. I have a problem with spending $17.00 on one pair of socks. That's what I call poor choices. So instead of looking at the typical stores, I am on sock websites. Yes, their are sites the sell just socks.
So I found a site called that has a variety of patterns and color in their knee high sock page. All of the options in the collage below are under $5.00 which is much more reasonable.
If you are unsure of how exactly you should wear knee high socks it is actually really simple. I will be showing you guys a how to wear these socks. Check back soon!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Disney Princesses Rethought: pictures

I'm sure that we all know who the Disney Princesses are. But lately, they have been getting some interesting make overs. These new looks range from hipster to zombie and show off a more grown up side to our childhood movie heros.
Personally, my favorite princess was Cinderella. She really earned her place in the kingdom and the biggest moment of the movie involves a shoe. This is totally up my alley.
Lately though, I have been interested in all of them in their new spots. My interest started when Glamour featured a picture of the 'hipster' princesses last year. Since then, I have been really happy to see all the spin offs of the girls.
I know this is totally unorganized but these are some of the most common ones that I have seen:

I love these pictures because, first of all, they are art. There is nothing better than people taking something that everyone thinks they know amd reinventing. These drawings show the princesses cover Vogue in couture gowns, following the hipster fad, and being covered in tattoos. And these are just some of the ones I have in my images alone.
These inspiring females have become one of us.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


I think we can all agree that nobody wants to spend a bunch of money on basic clothing. I mean, $20 for a plain white t shirt is a little ridicolous. The problem is that when you suddenly need a white tshirt and you don't have one. That's something that should never happen when you shop as much as I do. And what is even more annoying is when you are struggling with a cam i shortage. So I decided to look for a few deals on some basic clothing. I know for a fact that Forever 21 has some great deals on basics, but I like options.
One of the most advertised deals that I see is at Wet Seal. It's a 5 for $20 deal on their basic pieces. There categories for the special includes crop tops, tanks, camis, tees, shorts, and leggings. Glancing through the selection, I saw plenty or variety. There were prints and neutrals with a lovely mix of color. My favorite option was the shorts. Even though they are not denim like I normally prefer, they are very cute.

Of course Forever 21 does have some great buys. If you go on their site you can find the basics shop. Everything in their basic collection is under $20. This includes tops, dresses, and jeans. That makes for a great deal if you are looking for anything from a cam i in three different styles to a plain pair of denim capris. And you might question the quality with these prices but I have purchased one of their $1.80 camis and a $7.80 pair of jeans and they both have great quality.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Wet Seal's Season

I know that I mentioned the new selection for Wet Seal and I really think that I did not give their decesions for the season the recognition that they deserve. While sitting in class today I decided that I will indeed be making a few purchases from them for spring. The nice thing is that the tops I am looking at easily translate into the summer season. I hate when something is only apropiate for one time period.

First of all, I am really excited to have tank top backs because next will be shorts and tanning. But I have to say that I do not like when people wear all knit, stretchy tops. I think that summer is a great oppurtunity to wear some really cute clothes. That is why I love the black top. I really cannot give up black for a whole season as it is one of the prodominate colors in my closet. I like the ease of wearing black as it is simple and has the potential to portray any attitude. This top is a little softer than, say, the amazing black leather jacket. I love the lace around the neck and the shape it is cut out in. As for the middle top, the print sells it. The cut of the top is very appropiat which is a huge plus. I love the string hanging down on the side to keep it from being too basic. The white top is just a huge fan of mine. I love that style. The little bit of print is not too intense but adds a little something. Also, the sleeves are so comfortable. I had two tops like that that I use to wear all the time. They flowed and were so comfotable. This one would be even better since it is not a crop top.


So I have a really big obseesion with long earrings. I own so many stud sets and rarely wear them because I feel that drops are so much prettier. The beaded pair is a change from silver or good which I often catch myself gravitating towards. They would match a wide variety of looks like metal does but I've a boho touch. But, again, I gravitate towerds metal which makes the heart eatting great to. They have the dangle I love and the hearts are cute. The middle is a set of headbands. There is lace, floral,and a nice brown. I normally shy away from brown with my hair color but I think pairing it with the lace would look super cute.
Alright guys, I am going to be looking at a lot of dresses and cute stuff in the next few weeks so you have got to follow @velvetgiggles to see it. I cannot post everything on the blog. I am considering starting another social media too. I am leaning towards tumblr but I know instagram is super popular. If you have a preference comment below and the dominate will probably win.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Books and Fashion

For those of you who didn't know, I am a huge fan of Pintrest. I follow all my favorite stores and often get to see what they currently have in a new way. Instead if looking at prices (a habit if mine) I get to focus just on the clothes. Anyway, Wet Seal has been pinning awesome stuff lately. They have a great store and right now have some nice peasent tops and feminine peibts which are preftect for spring. But what really caught my attention is the exact opposite. This tank top is pratically a cut off as it has raw edges on the sleeves.

Everyone has a fictional character crush. If you don't then please go to the library and pick up a book. Any book. Because this is something that everyone needs. And I don't mean Edward and Jacob. Not even Peeta and Gale. These guys have been forced into a visual appearance deemed attractive by society. Now, I'm not downing Twilight or Hunger Games. I love the Hunger Games. But the male characters in this books have been forced into a specific appearance. One of my goals as a writer is to leave room for my readers to imagine the characters for themselves. I think that leaves room to develop a real fictional crush.
My fictional crush's name is William Hayward from the Eden Trilogy written by Nicole Williams. Now your probably saying that you never heard of it. I really recommend this series to any and every girl. I loved it. It plays with your emotions and involves immortality, fighting, and love. But William is one of the most anazing characters I have ever read about. He is everything a girl could ask for and then some. I really fell for him and, honestly, wanted to steal him from the main character. If you want to read the series and have either Nook or Kindle the first book, Eternal Eden, it is free in both stores.

But you have to address the fact that popular novels do tie into fashion. If you haven't heard about it, The Fault in Our Stars by John Greene is about to become a motion picture. If you haven't  read it, shame on you. You need to go and pick it up sometwhere and read it. The cover has been adapted into a print replucates on tshirts and hoodies. It is not a picture of the characters. It has meaning.

Another connection writing and fashion have involves Polyvore. Polyvore allows you to create collages and outfits with a HUGE library of clothing to choose from. On multiple writing sites that I have been on, writers make that connection from a collage to help the reader visualize what the character is wearing. After all, a persons clothing defines everything from personality to time period. For example, I have been digging around in 90's trends to dress my main character.
Fashion has many connections to the World that we sometimes overlook. Books are just one example of how clothes control the world we live in. And you thought your smartphone was in charge.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Dressing Up

After the past few months of bitter weather, the prospect of a heat wave is a life savior. Honestly, it has been too cold to wear leggings most of the time. These conditions make it difficult to dress up beyond a nice pair of jeans. With spring right around the corner, it is time to take things up a notch. The best thing to do this with is a new dress. There is nothing like the first time you get to rock a dress. I have been looking around for the new styles just out for spring and I am excited.
First of all peplum is here and it's amazing. I just got a peplum top at the thrift store and might be wearing it tomorrow. But I really want a dress. My plan is to make one out of houndstooth material I bought, but I think having a solid color would be nice. And I found one for $8.80 on the Forever 21 website.
A site that has really sparked my interest for this season is rue21. They have a lot of floral and aztec prints available. I really love their new choice for the season. Most of their dresses are under $30 to make them very affordable.
One style that I am disappointed to see again is the maxi dress. I find them to be difficult to walk in. They also take away the airiness I personally look for in a dress. Yes, I still try to spin around with a big skirt. But I think that gives a femine touch. They also give an awkward proportion to someone with a short body.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Make Up Haul

Hey! So, I was at the store on Saturday and decided to go check out the beauty department. First of all, the grocery store I go to now sells E.L.F! I was so excited! Though they did have a more limited selection as opposed to Target, it was a good surprise. Aside from that, Wet n Wild was buy one get one 50% off. So I bought more make up at once this time then I think I ever had before. I normally only get 2 or 3 things and this time it was like "I"ll take this.. and this.. and this!"
Alright, let's go through this. I got E.L.F. all over stick in pink lemonaide, E.L.F. eyelash curlers, E.L.F brow and lash duo, 4 eyeliners from Wet n Wild, 4 sparkly eye shadows, Maybelline Color Whisper in 'Who wore it red-er?', and Maybelline Bold Gold nail polish from the Color Show collection. I also got a new Almay eye shadow from my mother.
I have been dying to get some sparkly eye shadow for a few months now and always chickened out or was not willing to pay the price. The singles from Wet n Wild were a lovely $0.93 and came in a variety of shades. I decided to go with the obvious silver and gold, a blue to compliment my eyes, and a purplish since I am currently wearing a lot of pink and purples. 

Here are some swatches of the shadows. I love how clear the glitter is in each color. They definately require a solid base underneath as the pigment is not the strongest. I really had to dig in with my brush to pick up enough for the color to be visible and not just the sparkle. This isn't a huge deal for me since the sparkle is why I bought them.

These are the eye liners. I bought bronze, sky blue, navy blue, and white. I did not like how chalky the white went on. The other three had a little bit different of a texture even though they are all from the same brand. I am really excited about the sky blue. It has a slight shimmer to it. Now, I know what some of you are thinking. I promise you that I am not crazy for using odd eye liner colors. I know someone who does a rainbow with hers and it is one of the awesomest eye looks that I have ever seen. Ever.
Aside from the eye product, the only other things with color are the stick and Color Whisper. First of all, I was very dissappointed with the shade of the Color Whisper. I was looking for a very vibrant red and it is still borderline hot pink. If red is in the name then the color should be red. That is just the sensible thing to do. As for the color stick from E.L.F., I have only tried it as a face product so far. They say on the package that you can use it for anything and I am a little concerned about such a thick substance going on my eye lids.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Little Floral


After a winter full of snow everyone must have a high anticipation for spring. At least I do. I am ready to shed my coat and bring out the pastels and floral and nautical. I'm not the only one with that on my mind. Pretty much any website you go on now is ready for spring. My favorite spring trend will, and will always be floral. I am super excited for another year of beauty with flowers. 
I love having the feminine design over black. The flowers pop more and give a lovely contrast. There is also a higher level of maturrity in this apperance. This top is sold on

These three pieces are from Charlotte Rousee. I really love the heel even though I could never wear it. I think that shoes are the easiest way to spice up an outfit next to jewlery.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


I have to admit that I had never looked at the Modcloth website until last night. I have made the decesion on looking for a 50's style dress for my garden party this summer. It turns out that Modcloth has a lot of vintage pieces. I fell in love with this dress the moment I saw it.
What I love about this dress is that it is very feminine but doesn't have a bunch of lace and frill. I love the skirt. It is not a huge poof but it still has the volume that I prefer in special occassion dresses. The blue floral is also great for me because the shade makes my blue eyes pop.
But enough about my dress requirements for this summer, let's talk about their vintage selection. I am in love with their clothes. The clothing is very inspired by the 50's 60's and 70's but it's not grandma clothes. I try so hard to look in the young women age range and I feel like this site can help to achieve that. Between dresses and swimwear they are a vintage lovers paradise. 
This dress is a perfect representation of my favorite style in the world. I am a huge fan of dresses with high collars for everyday wear. The last thing you want to worry about on the go is a slip from the top. The high collar is very chic and not labeling of an overmodest, above all girl. With the flowly skirt, you have the perfect balance of simple and flirty.
I really like the top in this outfit. I own multiple ties and this is a much more feminine version of a mans neck tie. This also dispels the fear of picking the wrong necklace. As for the skirt, it is perfectly at the knee. A high waist is also a great proportion and balancing the assamble with plain shoes keep the appearance balanced. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Flowers in the Attic

Today I watched a Lifetime movie called 'Flowers in the Attic.' I had recorded it last week and finally got the time to sit down and watch. I am a huge of Lifetime and yet again, they produced on amazing film. Based on a book series, the movie shows the life of four children who are trapped in an upstairs room. I don't want to give anything away, so you need to watch it.
But, as always, I found myself fixiated on the costume design. I have to admit that one of my weaknesses are periodic movies as they show the clothing of a different time. This movie was based in the 1950's and I adored the wardrobe of Cathy played by Kiernan Shipka. Honestly, I wish I had her closet in the movie. The outfits are basic but chic. These days, I feel like that appearance is becoming harder and harder to achieve without pouring in hours of time on your appearance.
Anyways, if you haven't seen the movie than you have no idea what I am talking about. So take a look!
I have to say that her character is now being added to my list of style icons. I hope to find some similair looks thrifting!

Sunday, February 9, 2014


It's time to talk about one of my childhood go to s in clothing that has come back around. Take a guess... OVERALLS!
Now, I know I normally try to really look around and include more than one website selling a style. But if you've been reading for a while you should also know that I don't like showing a lot of things that you can't easily afford. So of course I went straight to Forever 21 and they have denim, print, and solids and I just want to show you every single one and buy every single one and call it a day. But that's a lot of pictures and a lot of money. So I'm going to show you a few pairs that I really do adore.
All of these are under $30 which is great price wise. I do have to say that the way the styled the second and third looks is not their best work. I think the best way to go is a printed tshirt, sheer blouse, or a printed top. You have to realize that the rest of your body is neutral. Nothing is going to really pop if you do not use the top. The only time a solid top works is with the printed set. Then, you have to be careful not to overpower as always when winning patterns.

I also found a very interesting denim pair on the rue21 website for $39.99.
What I like about this pair is the v front. I have looked at many a pairs designer and department and haven't seen another pair like these. I do want to say that they are Almost Famous brand and are also sold at Charlotte Rousse for $35.00 discounted rjght now. I would not wear a graphic tee with these as I would the pair before. I really do enjoy seeing the solid color with these.
Also at Charlotte Rousse are these adorable shorts with suspender straps.
Aside from the great top paired with these, these are high waisted. That is a great look that I am currently wearing right now. I think that the suspender clip detail on the waist is adorable.
I hope you got some courage to really rock the overall look. I will be soon!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Bobbi Brown and Christian Siriano

Happy Saturday! I am sneaking in a post before i head off for a night away from the internet. I have so much on my mind. There is Fashion Week, trends, and a supply of Bobbi Brown cosmetics at Forever 21. So what do you talk about? Everything.
First off, I was doing my weekly Forever 21 check and saw an advertisment for Premium Cosmetics which really sparked an intrest. They now sell Bobbi Brown along with their own cosmetics line. Now, I have bought two things from their store line. I purchased a base coat and brushes. People, their brushes are not worth the money you pay. They are very stiff and do not brush over properly. I paid $4.80 for four brushes and never use them. But i am excited to see them expanding with another company. Though the prices for the new cosmetics are much higher than my personal budget.
As for fashion week, I have to admit that I have been totally out of it this week. I have been paying attention to Christian Sariano's prep for his show today. It upsets me that he isn't being shown on a live feed because I really love his work. Here is an example,
Now, he does have a selection of ready to wear but this is what I love him for. In my opinion, he makes some of the most elegant dresses out there, I am a huge fan of ruffels and femine looks. If you want more of Christain in the beginning, check out Project Runway Season 4.
As for trends, I know I told you guys the two things that I am really interested in right now are overalls/jumpers and long sweaters and I promise everyone that I will jump on that over the weekend and make another Sunday morning double post. But I have gotta head out in a few minutes.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Random Trends

I am sorry for a sloppy post. I had a ton of work to do for a club I run at my high school and while shopping for club material, I was stopped and ending up in the thrift store. I wish I had pictures and I am really working on that guys. I actually put a virus on my memory card somehow and can't use it now. So it stinks. Totally looking to fix it as soon as I possibly can.
So at the thrift store I got a musturd yellow knit sweater, an Effiel Tower shirt, and an adorable purple purse. I love it all so much and need the laundry process to go quick enough so that I can have the sweater for Sunday.
Anyway, I might be in love with a new style and that's hard because I am on a super budget that makes it hard to love new trends. This is why I need to take more sewing lessons and find someone to teach me how to knit. I really like the idea of making most of my clothes at some point.
The trend is long sweaters. I own one and wore it for the first time today and loved it. It was fun to wear with the hint of breeziness but still having the structure and fit that I am always looking for. And a lot of people were wearing them today which really just made me fall more in love with them. If you have no idea what I am talking about, here is an example:

So I'm probably going to post a ton of pictures on the twitter account @velvetgiggles. You really should follow it like NOW because I randomaly find pictures that I want to share with the world.
I also want to point out another look that has resurfaced that I love. When I was in elementary school overalls were on the outs. I still liked them and wore than and that was that. I think that they are a cute look that makes for an easy morning. This is as long as you don't go to farm with it. Style them right and wha la.

This is a pair of denim overalls which is the style that you have to be careful with. I don't want to see anything but chic. And I think the chic comes from a black pair like these:
I'm actually totally just going to go on overall and sweater overload now because these are not super duper safe trends.
Well, it is time for judging on Under the Gunn and I have a designer that I am totally addicted to right now.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Fashion Week Schedule

This is the schedule for fashion week everyone!
It is one day away from the kick off of Fashion Week and I am super pumped. I went through all the designers featured tomorrow and got pictures for all of them. I am very excited to see these talents shown tomorrow. I really encourage you to check it out. If anyone wants me to post all of them I can. Just let me know.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Little More Red, A Lot of Excitement

More red before Fashion Week! Who's pumped? I'm pumped. I checked out the list today and decided that I will be showing you guys 1 look from each designers most recent collection prior to this season. This way, we can all get aquantited and be able to fully enjoy fashion week.
But before that, I have some red for you guys!

I really had a lot of fun looking through all the red clothes I could find and limited myself to these. I like the variety from laces and ruffles to a basic hoodie. I believe that this is one of the most versitale colours you can find as it makes any attire look stunning. I will probably share more red after fashion week, but I am really excited to cover the shows. I just wish I was there...

Monday, February 3, 2014


I really have a Taylor Swift and red obsession and there is finally an oppurtunity to do these both at once. She did a Red tour if you are not a fan. The show was great, but the incorporation of color was spectacular. There were backgrounds, instruments, and clothing all in a vibrant shade of red. Plus, who can ignore her red lips?

These are some of my favorite looks from her off all time. The color looks great and really shows power. When I have to do things that require emotional strength, red is my go to color. I can't explain the emotional impact that the color has. When the first red dress shown above swished out, it was an impact. This is what you want to achieve by wearing the color.
I think red is the easiest color out of white, black, and grey to expand to if that is your main color pallet because it matches great with all those colors. It brings that pop without being super colorful or covered in prints.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Few Little Decorations

So I know that PB Teen is really expensice and I wanted to show you guys some more affordable choices.
These are from Walmart, Burlington, and Five Below. It's still great and looks very awesome.
This is okay, but I really like going to thrift stores and Pintrest to find ideas for rooms. I encourage you to do that. 
But I do want to see your room ideas! Tweet me pics at @velvetgiggles and make sure to follow.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Chanel Interuption

I'm sorry guys but I am in love with Chanel Couture collection! So I have to share a bunch of pictures because it is just amazing.
I am really a Chanel obsession. I think it's some of the best designs out there and even though I don't own any, but I consider it my favorite clothes.